Nik headshot

Based on the Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Nicole is a sculptor, painter and graphic designer. As an artist, she constantly experiments with a variety of mediums. Discovering the creative possibilities of each new material and technique is integral to her practice. She enjoys sharing knowledge with others through sculpture and painting workshops and has taken part in numerous group exhibitions, art festivals and live painting events.

My paintings are gestural – almost impatient. A little like snippets of a half heard conversation
Brushes make rare guest appearances in my painting process. I prefer to use my fingers, cards or sponges.
Paint comes straight from the tube and the fun happens on the canvas. It’s a messy but immensely satisfying process.
Don’t let them fool you – You really are never too old to finger paint.

The beauty and fluidity of the human form is a constant inspiration for my work.
Our bodies convey so many of our emotions subconsciously. Our stance, the tilt of the head, a gesture…
So much of what we don’t say, is there to see in our very physicality. I try to capture these subtleties in my sculptures.
In simplifying the forms, creating a more organic, abstracted shape, I invite the viewer to make their own connections to the piece, to recognise the emotions – or themselves within the gesture of the work.