I inhabit the twilight zone between painter and sculptor – where the desire to create, to express and respond to my environment, is – and always will be, a passionate need.
My paintings are gestural – almost impatient. A little like snippets of a half heard conversation
Brushes make rare guest appearances in my painting process. I prefer to use my fingers, cards or sponges.
Paint comes straight from the tube and the fun happens on the canvas. It’s a messy but immensely satisfying process.
Don’t let them fool you – You really are never too old to finger paint.
The beauty and fluidity of the human form is a constant inspiration for my work.
Our bodies convey so many of our emotions subconsciously. Our stance, the tilt of the head, a gesture…
So much of what we don’t say, is there to see in our very physicality. I try to capture these subtleties in my sculptures.
In simplifying the forms, creating a more organic, abstracted shape, I invite the viewer to make their own connections to the piece, to recognise the emotions – or themselves within the gesture of the work.